The 2024 - 2025 3D InCites Media Kit


3DInCites 2024-2025 Media Kit | Page 20

2025 HIKE FOR DEI South Mountain Park, Phoenix, AZ, March 6, 2025

For the third consecutive year, we’ll be holding our guided, 2-hour afternoon Hike for DEI fundraiser at the close of the 2023 IMAPS Device Packaging Conference. 100% of the proceeds benefit the 3D InCItes DEI Fund, established to give young women and under-represen ted minorities access to STEM education programs at the technical school, community college, and university levels. EVENT SPONSORSHIP $7500 donation Acknowledgement as premier sponsor on: ‹ 3D inCites website ‹ In the 2025 Yearbook ‹ All promotional materials ‹ Social media posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram before and after the hike

SWAG SPONSOR $1000 donation Opportunity to provide your branded items to be included in the hike backpack. ‹ Sunscreen ‹ Water bottle (24 oz min) ‹ Hat ‹ Logo featured on the back of the commemorative t-shirt ‹ Mention in all promotional materials T-SHIRT LOGO SPONSOR $500 donation ‹ Logo featured on back of commemorative t-shirt

‹ The logo featured on the front of the commemorative t-shirt and backpack ‹ Photos of hike published in 2025 Yearbook PICNIC SPONSOR $2500 donation ‹ Logo on box lunch provided by REI, our hiking outfitter, and will be enjoyed under a ramada at the trailhead before the hike ‹ Acknowledgment as lunch sponsor on the 3D InCites website ‹ Acknowledgment in the 2025 Yearbook ‹ Mention in all promotional materials ‹ The logo featured on the back of the commemorative t-shirt

Contact Françoise von Trapp


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