The 2024 - 2025 3D InCites Media Kit


3DInCites 2024-2025 Media Kit | Page 19

In 2023 we kicked of our member social events, held during industry events including SEMICON Europa and the IMAPS Device Packaging Conference. These events are designed to help build community between our members and guests. But we can’t hold them without your financial support. Consider becoming a sponsor of these events in the fall of 2024 and 2025. 3D INCITES MEMBER STAMMTISCH

Munich, Germany, November 11, 2024, 6:30 - 11pm “Stammtisch” is a German tradition meaning “Regulars Table”, where friends gather weekly at their local Gasthof (pub) to catch up. We held our first 3D InCites Stammtisch in 2023 on the Monday night before SEMICON Europa kicks off. Now in its third year, it’s becoming a 3D InCites tradition. Connect with your industry friends and colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere to gear up for the busy week. This year’s event takes place at the Bamburgerhaus Winterbiergarten in Munich. Enjoy traditional fare, beer, wine, and try your hand at Eisstockschiessen. Or better yet, form a team! Instruction and referee provided. All members are welcome. Sponsors of the event can bring outside guests. TITLE EVENT SPONSOR $4000 (One available) ‹ Logo on Welcome sign - Hosted by your company

KEG SPONSOR $1000 (One available) ‹ Logo signage near keg ‹ Perform duties of tapping the keg

‹ Logo on front of commemorative stein ‹ Opportunity to deliver welcome remarks ‹ Opportunity to display corporate banner ‹ Table for up to 10 (members and guests) ‹ Acknowledgement on social media posts

‹ Logo on front of commemorative stein ‹ Table for up to 10 (members and guests) ‹ Acknowledgement on social media posts

TABLE SPONSOR $750 (3 available) ‹ Stammtisch table signage

‹ Logo on back of commemorative stein ‹ Table for up to 10 (members and guests)

Contact Françoise von Trapp


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