The 2024 - 2025 3D InCites Media Kit


3DInCites 2024-2025 Media Kit | Page 18

PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP $8000 (Three available) ‹ Participation in the presentation of awards at the Awards Ceremony ‹ Recognition as Platinum Sponsor with top-level branding from the start of the program through 2025: ‹ 3D InCites Award Program page ‹ 3D InCites Awards ad on home page ‹ 3D InCites Award Winners’ showcase page

GOLD SPONSORSHIP $5000 (Six available) ‹ Recognition as Silver Sponsor with second-tier branding from the start of the program through 2025: ‹ 3D InCites Award Program page ‹ 3D InCites Awards ad on home page ‹ 3D InCites Award Winners’ showcase page ‹ Logo and Sponsorship mention during the Award Ceremony ‹ Sponsorship showcased in the 2025 3D InCites Yearbook ‹ 3 months banner advertising - best position available

‹ 3D InCites Podcast Sponsor ‹ Sponsorship showcased in the 2025 3D InCites Yearbook ‹ 3 months run of site banner ad

SILVER SPONSORSHIP $2000 (Ten available) ‹ Recognition as Gold Sponsor with third- tier level branding from the start of the program through 2025: ‹ Logo placement/branding on: ‹ 3D InCites Award program pages ‹ 3D InCites Award Winners’ showcase page ‹ Sponsorship mention during the Award Ceremony ‹ Sponsorship showcased in the 2025 3D InCites Yearbook ‹ 3 months of banner advertising based on tags

Contact Françoise von Trapp


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